Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Best Five Foods for Healthy Hair

While outpatient care (shampoo, conditioner, keep the scalp clean, etc.) are a must to keep hair healthy, balanced diet with hair-friendly nutrients is also of paramount importance.

Whole Grains
It is widely known that whole grains have more nutrients per unit of refined than their counterparts. Add to this the large amount of fiber that is what makes it good for our digestive system. They can be easily digested, contains a high amount of antioxidants and help maintain chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and constipation at bay. All these qualities make them "super foods" for healthy hair.

Vitamin C Foods
Vitamin C is full of collagen, a protein that helps keep the hair follicles, blood vessels and the scalp. Fruits like oranges, lemons, pineapple, strawberries, guava, etc. are a great source of vitamin C. Leafy vegetables also contain vitamin C and iron, which is another great nutrient for healthy hair.

Brown Rice
It is a good source of protein and gives your hair the shine you've always wanted. Apart from this, it makes you feel full longer and helps suppress hunger. Brown rice is rich in vitamins and fiber.

Legumes are widely accepted as a rich source of protein. A ½ cup serving of lentils can provide about 6 grams of protein. Furthermore, sandals are rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium. However, you should not rely solely on dal for their daily protein intake.

Calcium-rich Foods
Calcium is also a key nutrient for maintaining healthy hair. Now a lot of calcium is used for daily wear and one needs to consume enough calcium-rich foods to replenish the calcium lost. Dairy products are excellent sources of calcium. So are the grains. Calcium also makes your hair shine and do not forget it also gives healthy bones, stronger.